
Matplotlib subplot share y
Matplotlib subplot share y

matplotlib subplot share y

Line 5: Generate some data using numpy.Line 4: Generate a figure with 2 rows and 2 columns of subplots.Line 1-2: Import matplotlib.pyplot for plotting and numpy for generating data to plot.


Here is an example on how to use the method:

  • ax: A single object of the axes.Axes object if there is only one plot, or an array of axes.Axes objects if there are multiple plots, as specified by the nrows and ncols.
  • matplotlib subplot share y

    fig: The object to be used as a container for all the subplots.Here is an explanation of the tuple returned by the function: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cartopy. I want to use sharex and sharey to sync zooming and clicking in two subplots. **fig_kw: Any additional keyword arguments to be passed to pyplot.figure call. Share x and y axis between subplots with map.gridspec_kw: Dict of grid specifications passed to GridSpec constructor to place grids on each subplot.subplot_kw: Dict of keywords to be passed to the add_subplot call to add keywords to each subplot. To share secondary Y-axis between subplots in matplotlib, we can take the following steps Create x for data points.squeeze: Boolean value specifying whether to squeeze out extra dimension from the returned axes array ax.Possible values are none, all, row, col or a boolean with a default value of False. Sharing an axis means that the axis in one or more. sharex, sharey: Specifies sharing of properties between axes. There will be times when you want to have the x axis and/or the y axis of your subplots to be shared.Both of these are optional with a default value of 1. nrows, ncols: Number of rows and columns of the subplot grid.Given below is the detail of each parameter to the method:

    Matplotlib subplot share y